Media Mirror
the blackcracked
one hangs on the wall
another is so small
it fits in my pocket
Dan K. Sigurd can be seen in an episode of the Canadian documentary series "Rires Du Monde", where he wrote a poem for the host.
Dan K. Sigurd on RBB TV
Dan K. Sigurd's appearance on STUDIO 3 can also be seen on his Youtube account:
ARTE Streetphilosophy
Dan can also be seen in an episode of Streetphilosophy at minute 14:30 on or on the Arte Youtube channel:
And he was featured on the NDR Show "Rund um den Michel".
International Movie Database
Dan K. Sigurd's work as a writer, director and actor can be followed on his IMDB site:
Article in the Tagesspiegel
The article can be found in the archives of the Tagesspiegel (at this link), the original poem that Dan wrote for it can also be seen on the Twitter-accout of the journalist Robert Klages (hier)
Article in the TAZ newspaper and a counterstatement
The project room Pappel44 was visited by a young writer, trying to get a hold in that dying collossos called the publishing business by doing an internship. Due to the loss of a notebook and pressure from the editor the final article unfortunately contained a few factual mistakes like misquoting, the misspelling of names and the rather absurd creation of a "individual collective of expansionary anarchists". Since this text can now not only be found in the archives of the TAZ (following this link), but has also been discovered in different realms of the internet, (following this link), it seems like a counterstatement is needed, to portray this scene from a different perspective. The text that was penned on the night of the reporters visit can now be downloaded below:

Other films by or with Dan K. Sigurd
Dan K. Sigurd can be seen in this documentary about the Recycled Creativity Festival 2017:
Dan K. Sigurd's story Beautiful Dystopia has been turned into a short film. Find out more under this link
This is a Trailer for Seven Percent - A Beautiful Dystopia:
"Seven Percent" had its premiere at the up-and-coming Int. Film Festival Hannover, where the crew was interviewed on the red carpet.
...and on stage, right after the screening:
The story Ugly Utopia can be found by searching the eBook of Thoughts Without Conclusions for "The wise, wrinkled medicine man". It has now been adapted for the screen:
Dan K. Sigurd also appears in the short film "Out of Order":
He was featured in the Show Panoptikum on Alex Berlin TV:
Dan K. Sigurd wrote a poem for someone in Mauerpark who made this video, featuring his words:
He can be seen in the video of this Youtuber, at minute 5:06:
And in this one, at minute 2:43:
And he is featured in the web-series "Easy German", at minutes 3:15 and 4:57, another one of his poems is read at minute 1:44:
And he can be seen in this music video by Christoph Sakwerda:
Pictures from Mauerpark
The photographer Peter Kagerer shot a picture of Dan K. Sigurd in Mauerpark that was exhibited in the Fotogalerie Friedrichshain, as well as on his blog Hauptstadtmenschen The exhibition was well recieved by the press. An article by Der Tagesspiegel picked up on Mr. Sigurds excentric day job:"'An Berlin reizt mich das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den Menschen und wie sie in die Räume gesetzt sind.' Dem lässt sich in der aus 2000 Fotos ausgewählten Schau in beklemmenden Stillleben vom Straßenstrich Kurfürstenstraße, in warmherzigen Kreuzberger Kneipenszenen oder in lakonischen Aufnahmen kurioser Dienstleistungen („Ich höre zu“, „Gib mir drei Wörter und drei Euro, ich gebe dir ein Gedicht“) im Mauerpark nachspüren."
Another exhibition in the Mauersegler displayed pictures of Dan K. Sigurd on the anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin wall and the founding of Mauerpark:
A picture of Dan at his Typewriter also ended up on Notes of Berlin
Without his knowledge Dan K. Sigurd's image was used for a picture hanging in all 200 rooms of the Schulz Hotel at Berlin Ostbahnhof. What's even stranger - he never wrote beside the East Side Gallery...
His picture can be seen in this newspaper article.
And Dan wrote a poem that was published on this French website for poetry:
And one of his poems can be found on the tumblr of this blogger:
Pictures and videos from Dan in Mauerpark are also on Twitter:
Just chatting to a chap in the street who will type a poem if you give him 3 words and €3
— Nick Corston I??Art (@nickcorston) 3. Juni 2018
This one’s got your name on it @TheHopefulHT #Respect X
And he ended up on the Instagram accounts of these photographers
Dan K. Sigurd at the movies
Dan K. Sigurd's experimental short Loop&Port was screened at the Lichtblick Kino in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg His documentary about the Recycled Creativity Festival premiered at the Kulturlabor Trial & ErrorAnd his short film "God in the Park" had its premiere at the Open Air Cinema on Tempelhofer Feld
From the premiere of "Seven Percent - A Beautiful Dystopia" at the up-and-coming Int. Film Festival Hannover:
And a few impressions from the making-of:
Dan K. Sigurd acted in the short "Seven Levels Deep" which was screened at the Single Take Film Challenge as well as at a festival in London:
And Dan K. Sigurd made a couple of 360 degree films which can be seen on the Youtube channel of the MIZ Babelsberg:
Furthermore Dan frequently works as an extra in Hollywood Productions and writes filmcritiques about them that you can find following this link or by klicking on the V-shaped button beneath.